The Coach

Having a coach, whether it be for sport, education, life or business is often underrated and under utilised.

Many of us think that we don’t really need the input of others, and that YouTube is probably enough (me included!). Our comfortable and convenient tendency today is to lock ourselves away with a lot of digital information and remote mentors, but reaching out to ‘real people’ will enhance and enrich our life experiences.

The question when considering seeking out a coach is where do you find the right person? Coaching is personal and there naturally has to be ‘the right fit’ for you to settle in with a coach. A coach should also be able to demonstrate they have expertise in the field you are seeking guidance in and have a true concern and passion to help you get the outcomes you are striving for.

A good coach will not tell their client everything they want to hear. A good coach will dig deep and challenge the ‘whys’ and ‘how’s’ and should lead in a progressive fashion to move one to their ultimate goals and solutions. Clear terms, conditions and expectations of any coaching arrangement should be clearly defined.

It’s impossible to imagine a high functioning athlete without a coach and a personalised program, so if the desire to achieve great things exists, then hiring a coach is essential.

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